

唯有耶穌Only Jesus - Sheet Maker , Music Worker

唯有耶穌 Only Jesus. 2020-05-11. 作詞作曲:Hank Bentley , Jason Ingram , Brian Johnson , Joel Taylor. 中文翻譯:約書亞樂團. 音檔原調:Ab. 譜上調性:A.

Joshua Band 約書亞樂團

Joshua Band 約書亞樂團, 台北市. 125110 likes · 384 talking about this. 下一個世代的敬拜聲音Worship Sound for the Next Generation Welcome! Asia for JESUS!

Asia for JESUS 約書亞樂團- 專輯

Only heard of You before 如今卻親眼見祢. Now I meet You face to face 我決定不再倚靠我自己. From now on, I won't lean on my own strength 一生只為祢. My life is ...

Bethel 金選中文敬拜專輯2

1. 獅子與羔羊/Lion and the Lamb · 2. 星光/Starlight · 3. 信實到永遠/Faithful to the End · 4. 唯有耶穌/Only Jesus · 5. 再別無祂名/There 's No Other Name · 6. 將 ...